Various elements of real life are drawing me away from the much more pleasant life of literature, and so I need to pause for a week or so (I hope not longer) from work here.
I can't resist leaving you without a few links of interest:
Alan De Niro has posted a 6-part story, "Home of the", on his weblog. For easy reference, here are all the links: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , and the complete story is available as a PDF file . I haven't had a chance yet to read the story, but I like Alan's work a lot, and expect this one is as worthy of your attention as everything else he has written.
Scribblingwoman , one of the most consistently interesting blogs I've encountered, has posted a lot of interesting things over the past week or so.
(There are a bunch of other excellent literary webblogs out there, by the way, which don't treat genre writing as inherently incapable of containing interest for people over the age of 13, including Daniel Green's magn...