More Maria
My conversation with Maria Dahvana Headley was fairly popular, and so I thought y'all might like to know that Maria has fused with her computer and is scattered all through cyberspace at the moment.
This week she's a guest blogger at Powell's Books. She's also set up a blog at
and has resurrected her old Myspace thingy. And there's still the Year of Yes book tie-in site.
When a writer starts appearing all over the Internet like this, you know that they're just procrastinating work on the next book. (Or maybe that their publisher's publicity department has suddenly discovered that blogs are cheaper than book tours.)
This week she's a guest blogger at Powell's Books. She's also set up a blog at
When a writer starts appearing all over the Internet like this, you know that they're just procrastinating work on the next book. (Or maybe that their publisher's publicity department has suddenly discovered that blogs are cheaper than book tours.)