"The Last Vanishing Man"

Littleton Opera House, Littleton, NH c.1900, a location in the story I have a new story — my first (but not last) of this year — now available on the Conjunctions website— "The Last Vanishing Man" . This one's a bit of a departure for me, in that it is a serious story that will not, I'm told, make you want to kill yourself after you read it. In fact, one of my primary goals when writing it was to write something not entirely nihilistic. Various people have, over the years, gently suggested that perhaps I might try writing a ... well ... a nice story now and then. (I actually think I've only written one story that is not nice, "Patrimony" in Black Static last year . And maybe "On the Government of the Living" . Well, maybe "How Far to Englishman's Bay" , too. And— okay, I get it...) So "The Last Vanishing Man" is a story that has an (at least somewhat) uplifting ending, and the good people triumph, or at leas...