Notes on Blade Runner 2049

To write responsibly about Blade Runner 2049 , I would need to see it again, and to explore what I want to explore I would need to watch Denis Villeneuve's previous film, Arrival , again (I last saw it on its theatrical release), and I would need to watch all of Villeneuve's previous films (a couple of which I've missed), and I would need to watch the original Blade Runner again (a film I cherish and have seen a dozen times, at least, though I'm always happy for an excuse for another viewing), and— I do not have time for any of this at the moment. But, before my thoughts disappear like — well, if wanted to insert an obvious and tacky allusion here, I'd say, like tears in rain , but you can fill in the simile yourself — before my thoughts disappear, I will jot down a few notes, on the off chance that they may be of use to you or somebody or me or nobody— For me, Blade Runner 2049 is a sometimes visually interesting movie and not much other than that. Among ...