
Mike Leigh's latest movie, Peterloo , is one of the most disappointing films I've ever seen. This is not to say it is necessarily a bad movie — there are countless worse ones, and, indeed, there are things to admire in Peterloo . Disappointment depends on one's expectations; mine were so high that I sought out a British DVD because Peterloo isn't being released in U.S. theatres until next month, and maybe not to a theatre anywhere near my rural world. (Amazon is one of the producers, so I assume it will hit Amazon Prime once it finishes its limited U.S. run.) My disappointment stemmed from having not been disappointed with a Mike Leigh film since 1997's Career Girls , a movie about which the less said, the better. With that one exception, Leigh's run from High Hopes in 1988 to Mr. Turner in 2014 seems to me one of the most consistently interesting of any English-language filmmaker. (His earlier work I have more mixed feelings about. A lot of it se...