Report from the Set of A Scanner Darkly

Philip K. Dick's children report from the set of the upcoming film of A Scanner Darkly, directed by Richard Linklater:
A Scanner Darkly is one of our father's most personal stories because much of it is based on his own experiences. For this reason, it was especially important to us that it be done with all of the right intentions. His struggle with drug abuse is well documented, and he (and we) have witnessed many casualties. The novel is filled with his humor and his own tragedies. And we believe that Richard's screenplay manages to capture these key elements -- he has even included our father's poignant afterword in his adaptation. ...

Like a graphic novel come to life, A Scanner Darkly will utilize live action photography overlaid with an advanced animation process to create a haunting, highly stylized vision of the future. The technology was first employed in Linklater's 2001 film Waking Life and has evolved to produce even more impact and detail.
I would be more excited if I didn't know that Keanu Reaves is starring in it, but I'm still hopeful that this will be not only a good adaptation but a good film. I liked Waking Life, which I think even mentioned PKD, and have liked others of Linklater's films, particularly the one that made his name, Slacker. In many ways, he's the perfect director for Scanner Darkly. I hope.

(via Beatrice)

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