Call for Stories: Interfictions 2
Chris Barzak has just posted the announcement that he will be joining Delia Sherman in editing Interfictions 2, which picks up where Interfictions: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing
left off.
My story "A Map of the Everywhere" appeared in that first book, but I hope you won't hold that against the editors. I wrote the story partly to see if I could figure out any way of thinking about the idea of "interstitial fiction", and my approach was simply to try to cross and recross as many different sorts of boundaries as I could think of for the story. I used the label in the way I think labels should be used: as a temporary provocation allowing me to create something. That provocation has now returned in the form of a new anthology, and I hope lots of different writers will let the nebulous, amorphous idea of interstitiality push them to create something strange and wondrous, and that they will then submit that strange wondrousness to Chris and Delia for consideration for the new book.
My story "A Map of the Everywhere" appeared in that first book, but I hope you won't hold that against the editors. I wrote the story partly to see if I could figure out any way of thinking about the idea of "interstitial fiction", and my approach was simply to try to cross and recross as many different sorts of boundaries as I could think of for the story. I used the label in the way I think labels should be used: as a temporary provocation allowing me to create something. That provocation has now returned in the form of a new anthology, and I hope lots of different writers will let the nebulous, amorphous idea of interstitiality push them to create something strange and wondrous, and that they will then submit that strange wondrousness to Chris and Delia for consideration for the new book.