Barzak Day = LCRW Day
Yes, today is Barzak Day. Obviously. But it is also, and quite appropriately,The Best of Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
Day. Yes, that fine and marvelous book is being released on the same day as Mr. Barzak's One for Sorrow.
This is appropriate not just because it's appropriate for two wonderful books to be released on the same day. That is, indeed, a good thing.
But here are some facts to consider:
This is appropriate not just because it's appropriate for two wonderful books to be released on the same day. That is, indeed, a good thing.
But here are some facts to consider:
- Mr. Barzak's first published story was "A Mad Tea Party" in LCRW.
- One for Sorrow evolved from the story "Dead Boy Found", first published in Trampoline, an anthology edited by Kelly Link and published by Small Beer Press.
- Kelly Link is co-founder of Small Beer Press, which publishes LCRW, which she co-edits, which is how she got to be co-editor of The Best of LCRW. Oh, the tangled web she weaves!
- Kelly Link blurbed One for Sorrow, calling it, "An uncommonly good book with brains, heart, and bravery to spare. Readers who don't find themselves in sympathy with Barzak's characters were never adolescents themselves."
- Gavin Grant, co-editor of all things LCRW and co-founder of Small Beer Press, introduced karaoke, an ancient Scottish ritual, to Japan, which is the real reason Christopher Barzak moved to Japan for two years.